Scorpion venom, Spider Venom

Advising and setting up Scorpio, you can really grow up scorpions

Advising and setting up Scorpio, you can really grow up scorpions

Scratch  Scorpion

Scorpion or poison scorpion is the name of one of the species of arthropods of the Spider-Man category, which has 8 legs and feces with deadly venom. Scorpion bite is at the tip of it. The Scorpions are slowly pursuing their biological activities at night and are more active in hot climates.

These animals have prickly claws that are actually part of their mouths. They are able to throw a dangerous toxin from the rear of their bodies to the attackers. The animal hunts more at night and uses its long legs to find food, and after finding food, it catches it with its forks. Sculptures often hide underneath the rocks or in relatively cool underground holes throughout the day.
Shape and place of life-
Scars have different colors, such as brownish brown, brown, gray and black, and vary in size from about 1.5 to 18 centimeters, but through their bodily shape, flat and smooth, they can also cross 3 mm wide gaps. Enter the house of human beings.
Scouts are found in the outdoors in gaps and gaps between rocks, under the skin of trees, between firewood and the like, and are seen in the home in the bathroom, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the kitchen and in the wet environments. These animals hide in their ears all day and start their activities during the night and go after their hunt and inject their poison through their sting at the tail end of their hunt.

Advising and setting up Scorpio, you can really grow up scorpions
Hunt Scorpion

Scabies often catch insects and are important in this regard. They are often black beetles and if they can, they also hunt frogs. After hunting, they bite the bait first. Then they begin to crush the body by clirer movements, or their jaws, and at the same time they get it in the form of a liquid through an enzyme secretion. In the area of ​​the mouth they have pearls that act as filters and prevent the entry of small food particles into the esophagus, because food should only be introduced in liquid form. Therefore, they throw away harsh materials in the form of bullet rubbers. That’s why the action of eating food in the scorpions lasts and sometimes lasts up to 24 hours. Scorpions also need water, and wet scorpions usually drink water separately, and the scorpions in the dry areas provide water from the bait body. The scorpions, after eating, spend hours cleaning themselves and they are cleaning their legs and clears with a liquid that secretes from the mouth. The scorpions have great resistance to hunger and thirst, which can survive for months without water and food.
Of the nearly 200 different scorpions scattered throughout the world, only about 20 species are poisonous, among which a red Indian scorpion is the deadliest species, with a rate of trapping in the Indian state of between 40% and 30%.

The sting has a lot of species in Iran that two species of Iran and Khuzestan have been discovered in Iran and the name of the Iranian scorpion has been registered. In Iran, there are three types of dwarfs that have reports of death due to biting:

1 “Hemicurpius lepturus“, which is scarlet yellow and small. The males are getting up. This scorpion is very abundant in the south and southwest and is called “Gadim” in Khuzestan.

2 “Compsobutos Matejiseni“, which has a very small, thin body in yellow or brick. This is also abundant in the southern regions, especially in Khuzestan. Poison The two scorpion species can destroy red blood cells.

3 “Endoctonus cerevisiae“, which has a thicker shade than the two previous ones and has a black or dark brown color.
Natural enemies-
Scouts have two natural enemies: one of them is a kind of rooting and the other is flying. Scorpions are only creatures that do not have an effect on radioactive radiation. The weakest scorpions tolerate 40,000 rad (absorbent ionizing radiation unit), which is less than just 600 radians in humans, thus surviving even an atomic bomb.
The most dangerous types-
Contrary to the rumors that the scorpion’s dangers depend on its color, and in some parts of Iran it is believed that yellow scorpion is dangerous and in some places it considers black scorpion dangerous, this assessment is unacceptable and scorpion has no role in the concentration of poison or It’s not dangerous. It can be said that the scorpion venom of dry and tropical regions in Iran has high concentrations. Fortunately most dangerous scorpions when they bite humans usually all your poison injection, not because the scorpion poison saves, and always the first bite injected a brief enzyme tried to ward off the enemy, but if captured and escape is not forced to inject The main poison itself becomes. Scorpio needs more nutrition to replace the toxin and, therefore, does not want to waste its own poison.

Advising and setting up Scorpio, you can really grow up scorpions
The venom is a scallop called Centrouroids Sculpturatus, which is scorpio, small and yellow, with a small tuberculosis on the back. The length of the animal is 2.5-5.7 cm, and it is also called “Scorpio Gerar”. The most dangerous type of scorpion in Iran is scorpion gardium, which is found in the Khuzestan region and has a deadly toxic. Sam’s other scorpions are not deadly.
The Venus Venus is a clear, liquid liquid that has an alkaline property to neutralize and is in fact a kind of protein. The poison is composed of elements such as carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur. The poison contains various proteins such as toxin and
enzymes. Toxins or toxicants including neuroxin

Advising and setting up Scorpio, you can really grow up scorpions

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