Spider Venom

All about the widow spider

widow spider

Black widow spider Lactrodectus mactans

 widow spider
This spider is named after a popular belief that after mating, the female spider eats the male spider (a very rare phenomenon in nature). This spider is found all over the world and is best known for its hourglass shape in the abdomen. Although deaths from black widow spiders are rare, their venom is reportedly 15 times stronger than that of a rattlesnake and can cause muscle pain, nausea, and breathing problems
Appearance characteristics of the black widow spider
Color: Black with a distinctive red hourglass on the abdomen
Shape: Round
Tentacle: No
Number of legs: 8
Size: 2.5 to 4 cm

 widow spider

Black widow spiders are typically black in color with two reddish triangular markings, these two red triangles join together to form an hourglass shape, which is their most recognizable feature. Sometimes female spiders are also seen in black-brown color. Most black widow spiders are 3 to 10 mm long, while females are longer than males. These spiders have eight simple eyes, including two lateral pairs that are almost palpable
Black widow spiders are initially orange and white, but turn black as they mature. Juvenile spiders have markings that are very similar to adults, including one or two red marks on their abdomens
Signs of black widow spider infestation

The most obvious sign of spider infestation is the presence of webs in the house or on equipment. Black widow spiders build their webs in a messy and irregular way near the surface of the ground. Another sign of this spider infestation is seeing a silk bag full of eggs
?How to prevent black widow spiders from entering the house
People can minimize the risk of black widow spider bites by reducing clutter in the basement and garage, which in turn eliminates their hiding spots. When observing spider webs, you should be careful to put your hands or feet in those areas. You should also wear thick gloves when moving items that have not been moved for a long time, and shake your shoes well before putting them on. The wood that is kept for fuel consumption should also be placed at least 6 meters away from the building
Black widow spider bite

 widow spider

Although male black widow spiders rarely bite, females may bite in self-defense, especially after laying eggs. Pain usually occurs immediately after the bite, but this pain reaches its maximum after one to three hours. The pain caused by these spiders may last for one to three days and then gradually subside
As long as medical treatment is done on time, it is unlikely that there will be any casualties due to the bite of this spider
Black widow spider behaviors
Black widow spiders operate at temperatures of 21 degrees Celsius and above, but under the right conditions, they can survive at lower temperatures. These spiders weave irregular webs at night and near the surface of the earth, and after completing the webs, they are placed upside down on them, which are less than 30 cm in diameter. Spiders use these webs to trap prey. Like many spiders, black widow spiders feed on arthropods such as ants, cockroaches, scorpions, etc

 widow spider

Most black widow spiders take about a year to go from egg to adult. In general beliefs, female black widows eat males after mating, while contrary to this belief, this does not happen in nearly 100% of cases
Living places
Black widows prefer dark and dry places to weave webs. In warm areas, they often search for food during the winter. Usually outdoors, black widow spiders live in protected areas. These areas can be such as under stones or floors, piled wood or holes of uprooted trees. Favorite habitats of black widows are man-made structures, including barns, treehouses, greenhouses, flowerpots, meter boxes, brick cladding, barrels, and firewood piles
Black widow spiders tend to hide indoors in roofed, dimly lit areas and are often found in garages and basements. They prefer cluttered areas where they have more shelter to hunt their prey

Black and white spider bite

Black widow spiders are not aggressive towards humans, preferring to flee rather than fight. But they will defend if provoked or in defense
The bite of this spider is completely recognizable because it leaves two holes in the skin
The initial symptoms are pain in the bite area, similar to a little finger or even numbness at all
In about 15 minutes, mild pain spreads to the chest muscle, abdomen, back and / or throughout the body

 widow spider

:Other symptoms include
Pain for about 12 hours or several days
Severe cramps or stiffness in the abdominal muscles
Anxiety, difficulty breathing, headache, high blood pressure, increased salivation or sweating, sensitivity to light, muscle weakness, numbness, nausea or vomiting
In severe cases, seizures can occur, especially before death in children. Death is rare, but the young, the old, and the very sick are more susceptible
Severe symptoms usually resolve within three days, but mild symptoms may persist for weeks or months
If bitten, get emergency care immediately. OSHA also recommends applying ice to the bite area for 10 minutes, then repeat the process after 10 minutes off

The unique black widow creates a web shape between objects, under stones and logs, along seeds or in old buildings. If disturbed, the spider can hide in a small web funnel

Its long legs enable the spider to move quickly. Watch the video
The most common cause of human bites is when a person inadvertently comes into contact with a black widow spider’s web. For other possible spider symptoms, see Venus spiders
This spider preys on insects caught in its web, as well as small lizards and snakes

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