Spider Venom

?Are all spiders poisonous and deadly

?Are all spiders poisonous and deadly


Poisonous spiders are terrifying, but experts believe that, in fact, very few people worldwide are seriously injured by these deadly creatures

Poisonous spiders are terrifying, but experts believe that, in fact, very few people worldwide are seriously injured by these deadly creatures.

According to Isna scientific service of Khorasan region, there are more than 40,000 species of spiders in the world, almost all of them are poisonous, but few of them are poisonous and dangerous for humans

University of California researcher Richard Witter has introduced several species of spiders around the world in an article titled Spider Myths and Misconceptions

Web funnel spider

The Australian funnel web spider is probably the most venomous spider in the world and its bite can kill an adult in 24 hours without treatment. Its venom is more lethal to children and symptoms usually start in less than 10 minutes

Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria)


According to Witter, there are three potentially deadly spider species in Brazil that are rarely found outside of the country. Most people confuse it with the red banana spider, which is a harmless species that lives in Mexico and Central America. These non-lethal spiders sometimes prevent bananas from being exported abroad

“The deadliest species of spiders are found only deep in the forests, far from banana plantations, living in eastern Brazil,” Witter said

Black widow spider (latrodectus)

There are 32 known widow spider species worldwide. In America, people are afraid of the black widow while about five percent of the bites lead to death, but now death by the black widow is rare and according to the statistics, it can be said that there are no deaths

Isolated brown spider

Another species of spider native to North America, whose bites are rarely fatal, and in only about 10% of bites, the capillaries of the skin that supply blood and oxygen to the skin cells are damaged and cause the skin to die

However, people can avoid coming into contact with the brown recluse spider because there is no antidote available in the United States, and in many cases the venom causes destruction of red blood cells, a systemic reaction more common in children, Witter said

1- Toxicity: There are different types of spiders and many of them have such short bites that they cannot even penetrate human skin. However, black widow spiders and brown recluse spiders have venomous bites that can seriously injure and even kill humans

2- Black widow: Perhaps the title of the most dangerous spider can be given to the black widow, because she eats her husband after mating! This spider, which is nearly one and a half centimeters long, can be found in many urban and rural places. Unfortunately, since this spider hides in holes, closets, cabinets, closets and even human clothes, it can easily cause skin bites


Side effects of spider bite: At first, the bite site may look like a red dot like the bite of other insects. However, black widow bites can eventually cause pain in the back, abdomen, and chest. In this case, the person sweats profusely. In critical cases, a person may complain of abdominal cramps and stiffness. Increased heart rate, nausea, and vomiting are other symptoms of this bite

4- Reclusive brown spider: Some people complain of being bitten by a brown spider with a violin-like body. Since spiders look similar, it is important to note the type of spider that bit you. In these cases, instead of paying attention to the color, pay attention to the spider’s eyes. Most spiders have two rows of four eyes, but the recluse brown spider has six. If the spider that bit you was brown and had six eyes, you should be seriously concerned, because the venom of the isolated brown spider is much more dangerous than that of other species

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