Scorpion venom

Conditions of poisoning and keeping poison

Conditions of poisoning and keeping poison

   The venom breaks down below half an hour.
Room temperature should be four degrees during inhalation and should be kept in a laboratory freezer after being poisoned.
At a negative temperature, eighty poisons are longer than expected. Of course, we must fully understand and enforce the phenomenon of protein deficiency.
Dry poison is two years old.
Dry tooth storage temperature C ° + 4
Storage temperature of liquid poison 80 ° C
Transfer temperature of liquid poison 20 ° C
Method of preparation of poisonous lipophilic poison

Scorpion venom:After extraction of the scorpion venom by electric shock method, it is lyophilized and stored in a freezer. Then, to do this, first, some of the myofoscium oxide levophilic powder, which was obtained by an electrical stimulation method, was dissolved in distilled water and stirred for 3 hours. The solution is then placed in a dialysis bag for 48 hours and at a temperature of about 4 ° C in a refrigerator. The dialysis bag of 32 mm is used for this job. After dialysis, the specimen was centrifuged for 17 minutes in SIGMA 6K15 centrifugal Germany, and the rotor 12172, with 14000 rpm and at 4 ° C, and the soluble part is separated from insoluble mucoproteins, the presence of mucoproteins blocks the column Gel will be. After centrifuging the solution, the filter is passed through 0.45 micrometers.
Applications of Scorpio

Conditions of poisoning and keeping poison

Several studies have been conducted to investigate the biological activity of insects and reptiles on experimental animals, and it has been proved that the effects of the venom of the scorpions are greater on low-weight peptides.
Investigating the Iranian scorpion venom, as well as isolating their toxic fractions, will allow researchers to find out about the location of the focus of the toxic fractions in the body and the route to distributing them to therapeutic measures and design appropriate antidotes.
Scorpion venom:One of the most effective uses of Scorpio is to eliminate insects and pests in the agricultural sector. This reduces the use of chemicals in traditional ways that can easily help to preserve the environment and balance ecosystems and sustainability of life.
On the other hand, studies have shown that this poison will decompose in nature, so it will not change the structure of water and soil and can not reach the body of animals and humans.
Research has shown that this toxin has a high potential for pesticides. Each poisonous poisonous peptide compound has millions of years of experience in destroying certain insects and may be harmful to human beings because it is adapted to destroy a specific insect in nature.
Hence, by deciphering these toxins, scientists were able to make some copies that act as prototypes, but there are still many challenges with the distribution of these toxins among plants and the recognition of the uses of these toxins in the agricultural sector.
The poison in the scorpion bite can help the health of people and improve their wounds. Some poisons produced by Scorpion are only effective on mammalian cells, which are probably a kind of defense mechanism and can also be effective on humans.
Studies show that this poison can destroy toxic compounds of cells. In this way peptide extracted from the venom of scorpion can be used to target, treat and control cancer cells.
Scorpion venom:Researchers also said that Scorpion can be a good alternative to strong pain medications to reduce pain in patients. Scientists’ research on new ways to invent new drugs with the origin of natural compounds showed that poisonous peptide in the scrotum venom poison, in the nervous system And the muscle reacts.
Researchers are now investigating how the scorpion is interacting at the molecular level, and are trying to devise humans that act like the natural ingredients of Scorpion.
The purpose of this research is to produce drugs of natural origin and without the use of synthetic compounds to reduce their side effects among patients, which has a high potential for scorpion bites to make these compounds, but is still unknown.
VES-4 robotic machine for scorpion trapping


Conditions of poisoning and keeping poison

Collecting the scorpion venom for various uses is dangerous and may be at the expense of the lives of the people. But researchers have recently invented a device that can easily absorb the poison.
The VES-4 machine is a robot for the extraction and storage of scorpion venom, which can be terminated by other high-risk routes designed by scientists. Scientists at the Ben M’sik Hassan II University in Morocco have acknowledged that the robot does not only make extraction of the poison more quickly, but it is also safer.
Scorpion venom is used in various medical fields, including cancer research and advances in the field of antimalarial drugs. Today’s methods of harvesting this poison include electrical and mechanical stimulation techniques, which, given the electric shock of the equipment, can make the scorpions deadly and painful for scientists. Now that the mere assumption of scorpion venom collection is horrible enough.
The VES-4 machine made by Mouad Mkamel and its research team is a versatile ligament that can be used both in the laboratory and in nature. This is done by closing the scorpion’s tail and stimulating the animal’s electrical extraction to extract the poison after the extraction of poison. The VES-4 is not the first ligament used by medical scientists.

Scorpion venom

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