Spider Venom

Engineering Specifications Spider Spider

Engineering Specifications Spider Spider

Tensile properties

One of the outstanding features of silk is its elegance.

Compared to other textile linings, Nafila spider web provides a better balance of strength and durability. The pressure test is carried out in the direction of the diameter of the lobe by pressing the leverage between the steel plate. Due to the fact that the spider blade is elegant, it has to be expressed in mechanical analysis in order to be sure of the accuracy of the measurement and the characteristics of the pressure-elastic. Research results show that the spider’s ability to obtrude diagonal pressure is lower than other textile fibers, which shows a high level of anisopropy.


Engineering Specifications Spider Spider

Tangential property-

In the spider web, a higher level of torsional strength is observed compared to other fibers. The tensile strength with a force equal to Gpa2, a hardness of more than 30 Gpa, and a maximum length increase to a rupture of more than 30%, which the spider uses as a means of self-rescue, is another characteristic of the spider’s web.

Compare the two spiders of the Nafila Claavecs and Arjiv Avrentia

The mechanical properties of Nafila spider spider and Argyope vertea have been tested and engineered properties of the Nephilia spider such as tensile, transverse pressure and torsional load are described.

The two spiders produce blades with different characteristics, and this reflects the strange combination of spider web structure that can resist external attack and capture and trap energy from collision. . This strand is resistant to a variety of environments, and the spider retrieves its daily bladder by its digestive enzymes. Accordingly, the spider web can be a leftover sample of the next generation of multipurpose fibers.

Artificial spider web production methods

Nefilas spatula, with a high elasticity (due to its special texture), can be used as a very useful industrial and medicinal material with many uses. The natural molecular structure of spider spider protein has been used by scholars as a suitable template for the preparation of hybrid genes using plants and animals. In the past, the practice of domestication of silkworms was successful. Because they were herbivorous insects and their social maintenance was possible on farms. Today, the annual production of these fields is about 400 million kg. Despite the high mechanical properties of spider web fibers, due to the limitations of obtaining raw materials, the fiber has not yet reached industrial production. It should be noted that the production of spider web fibers is not easy at all and has many inherent problems, including the fact that we can not sprout sprouts like silkworms in the broad fields of silkworm. One of the reasons for this is the following issues.

1- These creatures need a very large living space due to their intrinsic properties.

2. Homosexuality Spiders are one of the biggest problems in breeding this creature.

3. This insect does not spit your cocoon and blurs your net as a place where it lives.

4. The spider web fibers are very thin, for example, 400 spiders are required to produce a square spin box.

5. The spider web spin becomes rigid when exposed to free air, making it difficult to work with.

For this reason, scientists are looking for ways to produce this fiber through abnormalities. One of these ways is to get the spider genes genetically modified using tobacco and potatoes and produce it from the kids that have been altered in their DNA.

A spider’s web of tobacco and potatoes-

In this method, the genes of the combined proteins, compared to the natural type of protein, represent 90% of the consistency. In this research, the method for producing spider web genes in potato tobacco leaves is described using the detection system, and by this method, KDa100 protein is obtained from spider webs from plant tissues

Engineering Specifications Spider Spider
One of the problems with producing spider web is bacterial, genetic variation and genetic instability due to its recombination and repetition. To overcome the problems mentioned, the artificial production method of spider web protein was selected from plants. The operation is very successful in similar cases, and its research suggests that Speider can produce fully and consistently modified genes in tobacco and potatoes. In addition, the thermal stability of the produced proteins is used in the purification and purification process. To form a group of encoded spider-protein proteins, small molecules of different molecules in the original artificial strands are used. The artificial spider genes have been designed precisely to create Spreader 1 with DNA complement. The tissue fragment used to make the encoded protein gene is FA 2, an artificial counterpart of the silkworm propellant gene. The combination of fibrobin with a spider web gives us a blur with new properties. The first and second generations of genetically modified plants exhibit well the normal deformation and proper growth, and prove the feasibility of this method. The spider-fiber proteins produced from the best gene-producing plants have revealed more than 2% of the total soluble protein extracted from the leaves in a stable manner. The results show that different herbs can be used to produce cheap protein spider fibers in a large comparison. Due to the dissolution capacity and thermal stability of the artificial proteins of the spider web produced in genetically modified plants, these proteins can be used to make valuable and valuable materials.

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