Spider Venom

Introducing the black widow spider


How to diagnosespider

The female species of this spider has a size between 8-36 mm and is recognized by an hourglass-like mark on its abdomen. It is easily recognized by the red or orange hourglass-like mark on its black, round, shiny belly

The male is distinguished by its black, brown or gray color and small red, yellow, orange spots on its belly, and its size is between 4-12 mm


Adult male and female black widows live alone and meet only for reproduction. Female black widows lay approximately 200 eggs. The eggs stay in a small round paper bag hanging on the mother’s web for 20 days, and after hatching, the baby spiders stay in a cocoon for more than a month.

Mating in this species is similar to mating in other black widow species, the male spider spins around and deposits sperm in the sperm web, the male’s genitals fill with sperm, and then he sweeps the nest to find a female spider. leaves

The black widow is found in pastures, barns, plains, mountains and fields, under rocks – and under dry stalks of wheat and plants. However, it should be said that in many cases, they find their way in residential buildings, especially in cool and dark warehouses

Black widow bite symptoms

Vomiting, pain at the bite site, shivering, respiratory and kidney disorders, sweating, excessive fatigue, abdominal pain, paralysis or general numbness are other symptoms of this spider bite

If you encounter this spider and get bitten by it, the first thing to do to save the poisoned person is to wash the bite site with a disinfectant so that the infection does not spread. A person bitten by this spider may not realize it immediately, and in these bites, the pain will be felt over time, and the bite site will become swollen and painful after 30-40 minutes. So wash the wound with soap and water and put an ice pack on the wound to prevent spider venom from spreading. But before the patient’s poisoning becomes severe, you must take the patient to the first medical center. Fortunately, the antidote for this spider is produced in Iran, and most medical centers in high-risk areas have access to this antidote

The black widow spider belongs to the species Lantrodectus terdecimguttatus (Rossi) 1790. Spiders of the genus Lantrodectus belong to the Theridiidae family and have a wide global distribution, so that these animals can be found in most parts of the world except in the cold regions of Europe and Asiaspider

These poisonous animals are extremely important in terms of health and medicine, and in some parts of the world, such as the United States, Australia, South Africa, South America, and Mediterranean countries, widow spider bites are very common

Systematic recognition of these animals has always been difficult. Therefore, it is very difficult to distinguish different species of these spiders, because the degree of similarity in the internal and external structure of the genitalia of the female and the pulp of the male, which are the specific characteristics of identifying species in spiders, is very highspider

The black widow’s web is a mass, irregular and complex, which is woven from a kind of silk and the female spider can hide in it. The female spider is at the highest point and protects her egg sac, most human bites occur when this spider defends her eggs from attack.

The lifespan of the black widow is reported to be between 1 and 3 years. In the samples discovered in Iran, the female is much larger than the male. The carapace is pear-shaped in both sexes, and its width is greater in the thoracic region. Unlike other members of the Therdiidae family, the lateral eyes are completely separate

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