Scorpion venom

Scorpion Venom

Scorpion Venom

A treatment based on scorpion venom loaded with radioactive material is being tested as a way to kill brain cancer.

If it is shown to work—and skepticism should prevail for now as testing is only in an early phase—the potion would simply be injected into a patient’s bloodstream in an outpatient procedure.

About 17,000 U.S. residents suffer high-grade gliomas, a form of brain cancer that is usually fatal. A protein in venom from the yellow Israeli scorpion has been found to bind preferentially to the glioma cells, so scientists have created a synthetic version that does not by itself kill a patient.

In the bizarre treatment, when the venom protein attaches to the glioma cells, the radiation kills them.

The first, early human trials of the venom therapy “showed promising signs for treating tumors,” scientists will report tomorrow at a meeting of the Health Physics Society meeting this week in Providence, Rhode Island. The research is being conducted by the Henry Ford Health System in Michigan and other institutions.

The work has not been published in a peer-reviewed journal, however, and initial trials have involved only a few dozen people.

Meanwhile, Richard Bucholz at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine is leading a separate clinical trial to test a similar product that combines scorpion venom with a different glioma-killing agent.

Bucholz’s trial, however, involves inserting the drugs through catheters directly to the tumor sites in an effort to avoid possible side effects. Bucholz is also leading two other trials using “smart molecules” other than scorpion venom that are also designed to bind to glioma tumor cells and deliver lethal chemicals.

Scorpion Venom

Today, Bucholz told LiveScience that a couple of patients “have seemingly had good responses,” but he cautioned that it is too early to say how well the treatments might work. “It’s a very difficult tumor,” he added.

“Malignant gliomas cannot be wholly eradicated through surgery or other currently available therapies,” Bucholz said. “A safe, effective treatment for malignant gliomas has the potential to increase the life expectancy of thousands of Americans suffering from this terrible disease.

Scorpion Venom

Also provide a shallow, wide water dish. A sheet of cork bark or similar shelter should be added to the Malaysian Forest Scorpion’s enclosure. This species like it warm and humid. Keep the enclosure maintained at about at 75° – 90 °F with the humidity level at 75 to 80%A good habit to get into is cleaning up any uneaten prey items the day after feeding your scorpion as decaying organic matter commonly attracts mites, fungus, mold and other potentially harmful organisms into the enclosure.

If your pet has recently molted, remove uneaten prey items immediately. Newly molted scorpions are vulnerable until their exoskeletons hardens.

about scorpion venom

The deathstalker scorpion is one of the deadliest scorpions in the world. Its tail is full of powerful venom. A deathstalker scorpion’s sting is extremely painful and also causes paralysis, an inability to move or feel part of the body. The scorpion uses this venom to hunt insects such as crickets, which are its main food source.

The deathstalker scorpion catches its food by taking its prey by surprise. It hides under rocks in wait for an unsuspecting cricket or other small insect, then springs out and grabs it. Because its pincers aren’t very strong, it needs to sting its prey quickly to keep it from getting away. Within moments of being stung, the cricket is paralyzed or dead, giving the scorpion plenty of time to enjoy its meal.

Scorpion Venom

about scorpion venom

The deathstalker scorpion is one of the deadliest scorpions in the world. Its tail is full of powerful venom. A deathstalker scorpion’s sting is extremely painful and also causes paralysis, an inability to move or feel part of the body. The scorpion uses this venom to hunt insects such as crickets, which are its main food source.

about scorpion venom

The deathstalker scorpion catches its food by taking its prey by surprise. It hides under rocks in wait for an unsuspecting cricket or other small insect, then springs out and grabs it. Because its pincers aren’t very strong, it needs to sting its prey quickly to keep it from getting away. Within moments of being stung, the cricket is paralyzed or dead, giving the scorpion plenty of time to enjoy its meal.

Scorpions Poisonous

Scorpions are nocturnal animals that live in tropical areas and deserts. They find shelter during the day in underground holes, beneath rocks and in burrows. At night, they venture out to hunt for food.Scorpions Poisonous Their primary predators are birds, centipedes, lizards, mice, possums and rats.

Scorpion Venom
One undeniable fact is that scorpions are venomous. Their venom is the cause of widespread fear and at the same time, fascination. Most species possess a sting comparable to that of a bee sting, but a few scorpion species have a venomous sting that can be lethal to humans.

Scorpions are nocturnal animals that live in tropical areas and deserts. They find shelter during the day in underground holes, beneath rocks and in burrows. At night, they venture out to hunt for food. Their primary predators are birds, centipedes, lizards, mice, possums and rats.

Scorpions Poisonous

One undeniable fact is that scorpions are venomous. Their venom is the cause of widespread fear and at the same time, fascination. Most species possess a sting comparable to that of a bee sting, but a few scorpion species have a venomous sting that can be lethal to humans.

Scorpion Venom

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