Scorpion venom


Scorpion venom
The scallops of Iran have the highest rates in the world. According to the results of the study, those who visited the treatment center 6 hours after binge are less likely to die than 6 to 12 hours, and 5 times more than those who received treatment for more than 12 hours. Since scallops are more active in hot areas and at night, it is important to observe safety precautions to prevent scorpion bites, especially in tropical areas and in the dark. Like wearing socks, pants and shoes, shaking shoes and clothes before wearing and so on.
After a few minutes of a scorpion bite that often occurs in the limb, symptoms such as pain, blisters, redness, swelling are observed; then, after several hours of biting, the following symptoms may occur in the person: high pulse rate Going on blood pressure, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, urinary incontinence and stool, dyspnea, seizure, and increased salivation. Scorpion bite is often not dangerous and only causes local symptoms and symptoms in the area of ​​bites. Nevertheless, it should be necessary for the first-aid recipients to be given to the injured, and the doctor and the medical staff left the danger of scorpion and the severity of the poisoning. Wash the wound area with soap and water, removing decorative items and jewelry, using cold compresses to reduce pain and swelling should be taken into account first. To this end, one piece of ice can be used, but never should the limb get caught in ice water. Immerse yourself.
Scorpion venom
For effective first aid, you should pay attention to the following points: assessing the scene of an incident, eliminating or avoiding danger, requesting assistance if necessary; then first assessing the injured person and performing the steps for ABC and other essential emergency assistance if necessary; keeping the injured person alive Keeping the selected member cool; of course, the ice should not be placed directly on the limbs; using a special sucker to remove poison, in the absence of a special sucker, using suction or sucking the bite; By mouth, there is no agreement about cutting and sucking the wound site with the mouth. Some scholars oppose this, and some allow this method to be used. And then a quick transfer to the health center. It should be noted that it is advisable to transfer the injured person as soon as possible to the health center without any time consuming and taking additional measures. The symptoms of scorpion gardrim are initially very mild and insignificant, and this often leads to a lack of timely referral to health centers. But referral to the treatment centers is necessary and the delay can lead to various signs of poisoning, the destruction of body tissues at the site of the bite or even severe cases of death. Scorpion bites are more dangerous in older people, children, babies and injured people. Also, if multiple bites or near the head, face, or neck are injured, it will be more straightforward than the bite of the limbs (hands and feet).
In some cases and in the event of severe poisoning in the treatment centers, an antidote to the scrotum poison is used to neutralize the poison and treat the person. Of course, this should be done with the doctor’s instructions and under his direct supervision. In some sources, the closure of the bite site is recommended with the aim of delaying the absorption of poison. To do this, first use a cloth, band or other suitable device with a width of at least four to five centimeters. Then it is about five centimeters higher than the bite area (that is, the part of the limb closer to the injured trunk). The cloth or band should be tight enough to only slow down the flow of lymph and blood in the corresponding limb. Note that this should by no means disrupt the arterial blood flow of the affected limb. For this purpose, the cloth or band should be closed so that a finger can easily pass through it and also do not cut the pulse in the extremities of the limb.
Scorpion venom
Scorpion venom
The most commonly used methods for scamming are the use of a tetanus toxoid scorpion, the scapular end of the scrotum. These ends are called “poisonous tubers” and should not be confused with the other claws of the scorpion, which are five. For poisoning, first cut off the toxic gland from the attachment to the last tail (fifth strap) and rinse it, then place it in a drying machine for about a month to completely dry. Then the tubers are crushed in crystalline masonry to be crushed, then dissolved with distilled water. The solution is placed in a centrifuge to separate the contents of the poison. Another method for providing poison by which a purified poison is prepared is by using an electric shock device. In this way, using two electrode placed on the sides of the glandular poison, it injects an electric shock into the beast that causes pure poison to escape.
Scouts are alive and often range from mid-summer to mid-fall, and the number of babies varies from 2 to 90 depending on the scorpion. In some types of scorpions, the babies leave the head and in some other babies from the tail. After birth, newborn babies move to the back of the mother’s body, and at least until the first infants are displaced on the back of their mother’s scallop. At this time, often, due to hunger and lack of food, Scorpion uses a few infants as food.
The need for scorpions for oxygen is very low so that they can survive for a day or night in deep water or live in a bottle for months.
The throat-shaped sculptures are long and truncated at the back of the trunk, whose contractions vary from scorpion to 60 to 180 times per minute.
Scorpion venom

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