Scorpion venom

Signs of scorpion

Signs of scorpion bite *
Evaluation and Initial Measures for Scorpion Patients
The evaluation of scorpion patients referred to clinics and health centers is also a localized symptom of eating time (night or day), scorpion type, the length of time from eating to the referral to the health center and the location of scorpion bite. Scorpions come out for hunting at night, and if the first creature encountered is injured, the amount of toxin entering his body will be more than 50% bite and about 25-20% second bite and Third is Therefore, if a person is injured, several places of the scorpion are seen, and the person at the beginning of the night (whose scorpion still does not use his poison to stomach and feed off insects), means that the poison enters The body is damaged so that the symptoms and side effects are more severe.
If the location of the bite is close to vital centers (head and neck), due to the severe blood supply in these areas and their proximity to critical sites, the severity of injury will still be greater and we should expect severe symptoms of scorpion venom.
If the stomach is in the hands and legs, and there is only one bite, the likelihood of low complications is high, especially if the eating time is early in the morning. Of course, the time of stinging a scorpion is not properly determined, since the patient When it comes to eating, it does not feel pain. A lot of pain in the locus, sympathetic and parasympathetic symptoms of Scorpion black and Mesbotus, can be used to evaluate the patient. In evaluating a patient’s illness, it is important to pay attention to the age of the patient. If the age of the patient is less likely, the complications will be more severe. Therefore, in children under 6 years of age, they should be concerned about the severe effects of the scorpion venom.
Scorpion venom

Scorpion venom

Required Actions When Scorpion Is Referent *
Given that in some cases scorpions may not be sick, therefore, when the injured person does not bring the scorpion, the first steps will be a little difficult. But if the injured person has noticed a stomach and severe pain, But if you have not seen a scorpion or a sick young child who has suddenly become disturbed and restless, and parents have noticed the scorpion, but it’s better to watch the patient and get the bruising anesthetic to him. If After at least 24 hours, symptoms of general deterioration have not been diagnosed, they should be discharged.
If there is no illness, it is recommended that after taking the anti-inflammatory serum of bite and initial tests (urine test, calcium and CBC), if no impairment is observed, after 6 hours it is advisable to leave. If you observe the smallest condition Abnormal referral to the health center.
If the injured person or his companions brought the Scorpion with you, according to the scorpion type and the symptoms of the patient, proceed as follows:
A) If the scorpion is of a non-threatening type similar to Mesbotus Opus, after dispensing with anti-scorpion serum, the patient can be discharged and advised that if an abnormal condition is observed, refer to the health center again for examination.
B) If the scorpion is black or other forms of stimulant of the nervous system and because these scorpions reduce blood calcium and can cause muscle spasm and seizure, especially larynx, after administration of serum anti-scorpion bite He took the patient and provided other therapies for him (see Scorpio bite therapy section).
C) Patients who come to Scorpio with a scorpion bite and then bring the scorpion along with them, and then it is determined that the scorpion is dangerous (depending on the area in which the person lives, the scorpion type will be different, for example, in the south Iran is the most dangerous scorpion of Hemicropius Lepturus scorpion) should be hospitalized and necessary measures taken. If the patient has severe symptoms such as intense eye and face burning, intense urine or tightness, darkness and seizure, Should be immediately admitted to the ICU. If ICUs do not exist, it is necessary that, after administering the anti-Scorpion serum bite and its therapeutic measures A patient is sent to a well equipped center.

Scorpion venom
Scorpion venom
In each case, it is obligatory for a health practitioner who is required to immediately inform the patient about the patient’s presence or in the presence of the patient and examine the patient as soon as he / she knows that the patient has been bored with a scorpion complaint. The physician should not deceive the patient’s good general goodness since it has been observed repeatedly that a patient with a Scorpio bite has been referred to the doctor several times, and since the general condition of the patient has not yet worsened and is now good, the doctor should be admitted or In the end, the patient referred to the general condition badly and hemolysed for 7-8 hours after the initial visit, and despite the fact that he had received a bite in the initial visit of the anti-Scorpion serum, unfortunately, he died Has given
Scorpion venom

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