Scorpion venom

Scorpion; inventory in all places

Scorpion venom

Scorpion; inventory in all places*
According to Mr Johari, the Scorpions are creatures who can live in any place and last for long due to their body resistance. “They are found in the outdoors in the gaps and under the rocks, under the bark of the tree, between the firewood and … both in the interior of the house, in the bathroom, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, and in the wet environments. These animals are able to live anywhere. They are active creatures of the night. The Scorpions hide in an unmoving corner throughout the day, and when they arrive in the night, they come out of their hometown and begin to function. It does not move unless it wants to feed its stomach. This creature is looking for hunting at night. The scorpions use their long front legs to find food, and after finding the bait, they get it by their claws. These small predators inject their deadly poison through their bite, at the tail end of their tail. ”
Khuzestan; Land of Dead Scorpions*
But how can you know the most dangerous scorpion? Some people believe that they can be identified with the color of the scorpions, but Mr Johari has a different view. “Most people think that the scorpion’s dangerousness depends on its color, but it must be said that this is a false impression, and scorpion does not play any role in the concentration of poison or its dangerous, some say that yellow scorpio is the most dangerous scorpion, some say The black scorpion is more dangerous, but none of these theories are correct, in fact, the most dangerous scorpions live in dry and tropical regions, because in these areas, the concentration of poison is higher. In the province of Khuzestan, with regard to water conditions And the air, the scorpions are more deadly. It is interesting to know that if you transfer Scorpio from other areas to the province, due to the specific weather conditions in the area, within a few days, the scorpion will be several times thicker and more deadly.
Saving on poison
Although the scorpions in Khuzestan province have the highest levels of poison concentration, there is, however, a special feature in the scorpions that addresses some of these concerns. “Fortunately, the Scorpions are a little cautious about spending their poison. It should be said that even the most dangerous scorpions do not usually inject all their poison during human biting, because the scorpion saves the consumption of poison and always strives to remove the enemy at the first bite, but if it is captured and the path It does not have to be forced to inject its main poison. Scorpio needs more nutrition to replace the poison and, therefore, does not want to wipe her poison. “

Scorpion venom

Scorpion venom

Legendary about scorpions*
Many imagine that suicide occurs when a scorpion is surrounded by fire or placed in difficult conditions. Suicide committed by self-sting. “It’s just a myth and it’s scientifically wrong,” Mr. Johari said. The scorpions, like other animals, resist all the hard conditions until the last minute, but why the scorpions die in the ring of fire depend on the degree of scorpion resistance against heat, which is due to the rise in temperature around it, not suicide. It’s odd that creatures living in deserts can not survive at high temperatures! Most scorpions die at temperatures up to 40 ° C. This is while maintaining a very low temperature and zero tolerance. The cause of the death of a scorpion at high temperatures is because of rapid loss of water, coagulation of the hemolymph and obstruction of the arteries and veins. For these reasons, the scorpion dies among the fire. As we said, these animals are active at night and behave in the wilderness because they are sure to die if they come out of their shadow and shelter throughout the day.
Stubborn inventory*
Scorpions, like all hunters, use certain methods to catch their bait. “The scorpions begin to bite the prey and then begin to crush the bait with their plain jaws. With the help of the secretion of the enzyme, they fully absorb their beasts, even their bones. This bone enzyme in a blink of an eye in a liquid form. It’s interesting to know that Scorpions do more digestion in their mouths. These arthropods, with the help of a special enzyme, feed the food in their mouths and then enter the esophagus. Of course, this is an overwhelming task, and it may not be true that the practice of eating food in Scorpions takes hours and sometimes lasts a day or night. “

Scorpion venom

Scorpion venom

How do scorpions come from?
The painful venom of the scorpion*
Maybe for you, the question arises as to how and how do the Scorpions use their poison? Symptoms of scorpion stings and how can this deadly poison survived it? Mr. Dae continue to us the specific behavior of the animal during the attack, says: “scorpion when alarmed, prefer to flee rather than Attack These creatures only use their poison when they have no way to escape. Scorpio venom is a clear, colorless fluid that has an alkaline character. There is no doubt that the venom of scorpions destroys red blood cells. This property is more and more severe in the poison of some scorpions. Painful swelling and color changes Bites are the primary symptoms of scorpion bite. Detect toxicity or non-toxicity poison is not easy and it is recommended immediately after the scorpion stings the patient to the doctor away. “But do not worry any venom antidote that in an emergency it is used. “The antidote to the scorpion has complications and is trying to be used as little as possible, but in the case of children and the elderly, the group is less resistant to scorpion venom. However, in this case, you should not lose time.

Scorpion venom

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