Scorpion venom

Scorpion and its symptoms

Scorpion venom

Those inhabitants of the desert are not genuine scorpions and poisonous stings. But anyway, these animals have spiny claws that are actually part of their mouths. And they are able to throw a toxic poisonous substance from the rear of their bodies to the invaders. The animal hunts more at night and uses its long legs to find food, and after finding food, it is taken by its claws. It hides throughout the day under the rocks or holes of the earth.
The scorpions of Iran’s desert areas are divided into two categories: golden tail scorpions and black scorpions. The most dangerous type of scorpion in Iran is the Scorpion Gordium, which is found in the Khuzestan region and has a deadly toxic. Sam’s other scorpions are not deadly. The scorpions of Iran have the highest rate in the world. According to the results of the study, those who visit the treatment centers 6 hours after bite are twice as likely to die at 6 to 12 hours and 5 times more than those who are receiving treatment for more than 12 hours.
Scorpion venom
Scorpion venom
Scorpions are the only ones that do not have an effect on radioactivity, and more interestingly, the Scorpions have two enemies, one of them is a kind of rooting and the other is flying. The weakest scorpions tolerate 40,000 rad (absorbent ionizing radiation unit), which is less than just 600 radians in humans, and survive the same kind of atomic explosion.

Of the 200 different species of scorpion that are scattered throughout the world, only about 20 species are toxic, among them the Mesobuthus Tamulus (the Indian red scorpion) is the deadliest species. Which has been reported to be between 40% and 30% in Indian states.

It has a variety of colors, such as brownish brown, brown, gray and black, with a size between 1/18 and 1/16 cm, but due to its flat, flat shape,
It can also pass through gaps up to 3 mm wide and enter the house.

In the outdoors environment, found in the gaps between the rocks, under the bark of trees, between the firewood and … and found inside the bathroom, bathroom, kitchen, and wet environments. These animals move and hide throughout the day in a corner and start their activities during the night and seek their hunt, and inject their poison through their sting at the tail end of their hunt.

Scorpion venom

Scorpion venom

· Scorpion and its symptoms:

The venom of most toxic scorpions causes red blood cells to be destroyed, and it also causes localized pain and swelling at the site of the bite, although some of the lethal pathogens, such as the Centruroids, do not cause local symptoms and swelling, but they must be checked by a doctor. And treated with anti-Scorpion serum, children and elderly people are more vulnerable to Scorpion venom and need more attention.

In addition to damage to red blood cells, Scorpion venom also produces nerve symptoms that includes:
Restlessness, seizure, unbalanced walking, discontinued speech, runny nose, severe skin-to-eye sensation, muscle contractions, abdominal pain and decreased respiratory function.
Scorpion is one of the end-type species that has 8 females and dead bugs. These animals have spiny claws that are actually part of their mouths. The scorpion bite is at the tip of it. It has a variety of colors, such as brownish, brown, gray and black, with a size between 1/18 and 1/2 centimeters, but due to its flat shape, it can have gaps of 3 mm wide Also pass through and enter yourself home.

The scorpions are childish and at least until the first slaughter of the babies are moved over the mother’s scorpion.
It is hidden in the idle ears throughout the day and begins to work at night when it is hunting.
The scorpions have two enemies, one of them is a kind of roar and the other flies

The animal hunts more at night and uses its long legs to find food, and after finding food, it is taken by its claws. In the outdoors environment, found in the gaps between the rocks, under the bark of trees, between the firewood and … and found inside the bathroom, bathroom, kitchen, and wet environments.
. Scorpions are more active in hot weather and at night, and because of the safety precautions to prevent scorpion bites, especially in the tropics and during the dark weather, is important. (Such as wearing socks, pants and shoes, shaking shoes and clothes before wearing, etc.)
Of the 200 different species of scorpion that are scattered throughout the world, only about 20 species are toxic, among them Indian red scorpion is the deadliest species. The rate of its degradation in the Indian states is reported to be between 40% and 30%. The desert areas of Iran are divided into two categories: Golden Tiger Scorpions and Black Scorpions. The most dangerous type of scorpion in Iran is the Scorpion Gordium, which is found in the Khuzestan region and has a deadly toxic. Sam’s other scorpions are not deadly. The Iranian scorpions have been the highest in the world.

Scorpion bite:
signs :
Scorpio bite symptoms depend on the type of scorpion, the amount of poison injected into the person’s body, the stings, and the physical condition of the injured person. And may be accompanied by a local reaction or severe symptoms throughout the body that sometimes leads to death.
Usually, after biting, burning, feels with the pain in the area. In the case of red bumps, it swells and tends to get bruised and blisters.

Scorpion venom

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