Scorpion venom

The Yellow Desert Scorpion in the Middle East

Scorpion venom

Scorpion venom

The Yellow Desert Scorpion in the Middle East*
This scorpion is from the Buttiyeda family, which is known for its yellow scorpion and other names, which are generally local names.
The conversion of the word combination of the name of the scorpion Leiurus quinquestriatus to Farsi means a smooth tail of five pieces. The scorpion is generally yellow with olives and the tail of the tail has a dark brownish brown color. The scorpion’s length ranges from 30 to 77 mm and an average of 55 mm. The scorpion’s global distribution in the north and center of Africa, the Middle East is from India and Central Asia.Its scattering is visible in most of the desert and plain areas of Iran. This scorpion is located in a very toxic and dangerous scorpion complex. The strong poison of this scorpion is a combination of neutrophins with a fatal percentage. The location of scorpion bites in humans is very painful.Sam, this scorpion can not kill an adult but can be very dangerous for children and the elderly (it can lead to death in people with heart disease and allergies). In people with allergies, the scorpion can cause Anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis, which is an allergic reaction that can lead to death.

This allergic reaction is a combination of low blood pressure, severe itching and swelling of the throat, which is a cure for rapid injection of epinephrine. This complication is a natural reaction in humans to the poison that causes it due to high concentration of venom and reaction of the body. If the bite of this scorpion is detected, the major cause of death is pulmonary edema or pulmonary edema.

Scorpion venom:Lung edema is a series of severe and life-threatening symptoms caused by congestive heart failure. Symptoms include sweating, pale, fast breathing, hypotension, restlessness and anxiety, bruising of the nails and lips, shortness of breath, sometimes accompanied by wheezing, coughing, may initially be a faint cough, but may later be accompanied by fever It contains blood streaks.

In most cases, the symptoms are controlled by the patient. Treatment of lung edema is usually accompanied by significant and effective improvement. However, the underlying heart disease causing lung edema will require lifelong treatment.

Treatments are designed to reduce excess fluids, improve heart and lung function, and correct any underlying disorder. Personal care at home is not appropriate for lung edema.

This condition is an emergency and requires special medical care. The delay in its treatment may lead to death. This scorpion is the third most dangerous scorpion in terms of venom compounds. The German company Thyrifrod Twyford and the French company Pasteur Pasteur make antidotes for this scorpion.

Even if an antidote is used in an individual, biting the scorpion is considered an emergency and the person should be immediately transferred to the treatment center. Because the strong poison of this scorpion in some cases is indicative of an antidote, and injection of large amounts of antidote may be required.

Scorpion venom

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