Scorpion venom

 Scorpion bite

 Scorpion bite*
Venus Venus is a colorless liquid that has a neutral alkaline effect and is in fact a kind of protein. The poison consists of elements such as carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur. The poison contains various proteins such as toxin and enzymes. Toxins or toxicants include:
Neuroxin (neurotoxin), Hemotoxin (blood), Cardiotoxins (heart)
Venus venom is more effective on the end and small animals, but some species, like humans, are deadly. It is not known that a scorpion can drown after a few minutes. Venom The majority of toxic scorpions cause red blood cell counts and, in place of bite, also cause localized color variation and painful swelling. Although some of the fatal types of venom do not cause local symptoms and swelling, but they should be examined by a doctor and treated with anti-scorpion serum, children and elderly people are more vulnerable to scorpion venom and require more attention. . In addition, damage to red blood cells, scorpion venom neurological symptoms develop, including restlessness, seizures, gait imbalance, drooling, extreme skin sensitivity to touch, muscle contraction, abdominal pain and loss of function of the respiratory system is In most cases, these symptoms subsist within 28 hours.
Scorpion venom
Scorpion venom
 Extreme bite*
The scallops of Iran have the highest rates in the world. According to the results of the study, those who visit the treatment centers after 0 hours of bingeing have a lower chance of death than those who are between 0 and 24 hours and 2 times more than those who are receiving treatment for more than 24 hours. Since scallops are more active in hot areas and at night, it is important to observe safety precautions to prevent scorpion bites, especially in tropical areas and during dark weather. Like wearing socks, pants and shoes, shaking shoes and clothes before wearing and so on
– General terms of scorpion bite:
Primary symptoms: After a few minutes of a scorpion bite that often occurs in the limb and leg, there are symptoms such as pain, blisters, redness, swelling;
Secondary symptoms: Then, after several hours of bite, the following symptoms may occur in the person: pulse rate, increased blood pressure, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, urinary incontinence and stool, shortness of breath, seizure, and increased secretion Saliva
Scorpion venom
Scorpion venom
Medical treatment:
Scorpion bites are often not dangerous and only causes local symptoms and symptoms in the area of ​​bites. However, it should be necessary for the injured to be given first aid and the victim’s danger or absence of scorpion and severity of poisoning should be left to the medical staff and physician.
Wash the wound with soap and water.
* Bringing out decorative items and jewelry,
* The use of cold compresses to reduce pain and swelling should be taken into account first. For this purpose, one piece of ice can be used, but it should never immerse the entangled limb in ice water.
Effective first aid should pay attention to the following points: assessment of the scene of the incident,
* Ensure that the injured person calms down; the individual’s relaxation makes the poison absorb slowly.
. Keep your calm.
* Avoiding or avoiding danger
* Ask for help if necessary;
* Then initial assessment of the injured and performing the steps of ABC and other essential first aid if necessary;
Put the stinged member below the surface of the body if possible and quickly move it.
* Keep moving and keeping the selected member secure;
Cold compresses Of course, ice should not be applied directly on the limbs;
* Use a special sucker to remove poison, in the absence of a special sucker,
* There is no consensus on cutting and sucking the wound by mouth. Some scholars oppose this, and some are permitted to use this method.
* Then, a quick transfer to the health center. It should be noted that it is advisable to transfer the injured person as soon as possible to the health center without any time consuming and taking additional measures.
In some cases and in the event of severe poisoning in the treatment centers, an antidote to the venom of the scorpion is used to neutralize the toxin and treat the individual. Of course, this should be done with the doctor’s instructions and under his direct supervision
Scorpion venom

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