Spider Venom

All Spiders are Venomous

All Spiders are Venomous

-All Spiders are Venomous

While that may sound pretty bad, most spiders in America are not poisonous to humans. Out of the spiders that do have venom dangerous to humans,Almost All Spiders are Venomous only a few of them can actually break skin with their bite.All Spiders are Venomous That leaves only a select few that are dangerous enough to do some serious damage if the bite is left unattended. Even then, the results of a spider can vary from person to person and spider to spider.

-All Spiders are Venomous

There are only a handful of spiders that require everyone to get medical attention from their bites. They are well known because of this, and you should recognize most (if not all) on this list:

  • Black Widow
  • Hobo Spider
  • Wandering Spider
  • Brown Recluse
  • Tarantula

Spider Venom:Of these spiders, the ones that you really need to be aware of if you live in the US are the Black Widow and Brown Recluse. Other spiders can cause issues for people with allergies or other conditions, or can cause issues localized to the bite area, but the Black Widow and Brown Recluse are the most problematic.

-All Spiders are Venomous

Everyone knows what a black widow looks like, with its distinctive red hourglass on its abdomen. It is a little-known fact that only the females are venomous. The bites themselves are like a pin prick and you may feel nothing. The reaction from the venom is quick, though, and pain and burning will spread from the location of the bite. black widow spiders are common all throughout the US, so you should definitely be able to recognize one. Here is a picture of a black widow spider and a black widow spider bite:

Additional symptoms include:

  • Numbness
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Muscle Cramping
  • Sweating

Spider Venom

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