Spider Venom

Spider Venom

Spider Venom

-All Spiders are Venomous

There are only a handful of spiders that require everyone to get medical attention from their bites. They are well known because of this, and you should recognize most (if not all) on this list:

  • Black Widow
  • Hobo Spider
  • Wandering Spider
  • Brown Recluse
  • Tarantula

Of these spiders, the ones that you really need to be aware of if you live in the US are the Black Widow and Brown Recluse.

Spider Venom

Other spiders can cause issues for people with allergies or other conditions, or can cause issues localized to the bite area, but the Black Widow and Brown Recluse are the most problematic.

All Spiders are Venomous

Everyone knows what a black widow looks like, with its distinctive red hourglass on its abdomen. It is a little-known fact that only the females are venomous. The bites themselves are like a pin prick and you may feel nothing.

Spider Venom: The reaction from the venom is quick, though, and pain and burning will spread from the location of the bite. black widow spiders are common all throughout the US, so you should definitely be able to recognize one. Here is a picture of a black widow spider and a black widow spider bite:

Additional symptoms include:

  • Numbness
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Muscle Cramping
  • Sweating

Brown Recluse Spider Bite

A good home remedy for spider bites is lemon juice.Brown Recluse Spider Bite The juice in the lemon will keep your skin from continued itching, inflammation and swelling that usually accompany a spider bite. It is also a strong antidote that helps to kill any spreading infection.

Follow the instructions below about how to apply lemon juice to a spider bite.

  • Get a fresh lemon and extract the juice from it.
  • Use a cotton ball to apply the lemon juice to the affected area on your skin.
  • Allow the juice time to dry on the affected area and then rinse off the spot using lukewarm water.
  • Another way to apply the lemon is to use it to rub against the bite area. Wait for about five minutes then wash off using lukewarm water.

Spider Venom

-Apply turmeric

A great source for healing spider bites is turmeric.

The spice contains natural ingredients such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiseptic contents that are good for killing any pain you might be experiencing after a spider has bitten you. Turmeric is good for helping to ease the swelling as well.

Here is how to apply turmeric.

  • Form a paste by combining one to two teaspoonfuls of turmeric powder with some olive oil. Mix them together to get the paste.
  • Put the paste on the bite area and leave for about 10 minutes.
  • Use warm water to rinse the area after the 10 minutes are up.
  • Another way to deal with the bite is for you to mix a tablespoon full of turmeric powder. Then blend the powder with some clean lilac leaves to make a paste. Spread the paste on the bite area and leave it for about 20 or so minutes after which you must rinse the area with some warm water.

You can repeat the above steps and apply more turmeric if you would still like to stop pain and other symptoms caused from the spider bite.

Spider Venom

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