Spider Venom

Grizzly Spider

Spider Venom
The name “Grizzly Spider” causes people to be horrified by this kind of spider. But, the bite is not deadly and only causes minor skin irritation. However, some victims may have allergies to it and therefore need to seek medical and therapeutic care.
The northern humpback spider, which is a relative of the Australian-Tar-Spider Spider, is just as deadly and dangerous. And unlike their relatives, they mostly live in trees and forest areas.
The red widow spider, which was found early in Florida, can cause spasms in humans if it bites people. Fortunately, there are not many recorded cases of bite because they often do not come in contact with humans.
A tiger-like spider is like a Brazilian spider. It has a complex poison that affects the nervous system and is known to cause severe pain when stuck.
It is rare, however, but there have been cases of severe headache and vomiting due to the spider’s bite.
Spider Baboon found in Africa is very similar to Ratil. Biting a baboon spider can cause vomiting, difficulty walking, and shock.
It is well-known that the ears have a jumble mechanism and are also one of the few spiders that can actually sputter their poison. While they are not deadly for humans, their toxins can cause localized swelling up to 25 cm in diameter.
When the Guinness Book Records claim that the Brazilian Spider-Man, also known as the Banana Spider, is the world’s most toxic spider, then it’s certainly natural that you will not be able to deal with them. Fortunately, they are found only in tropical climates in the Caribbean and South America.
Black widows A female and male adult living alone and meet each other for reproduction. Black widows provide about 200 eggs. The eggs remain for twenty days in a small rounded casserole that hangs on the mother’s womb, and after they have come out of the egg, the spider’s spiders stay in a cocoon for more than a month

Spider Venom

Spider Venom

Mating in this type is similar to mating in other black widows, the spider spins around itself and sperms into the sperm web in the sperm web, the male reproductive member is full of sperm, and then she nests to find the spider of the female Leaves
Symptoms of black widow bite
The incidence of vomiting, pain at the site of biting, chills, respiratory and renal disorders, sweating, excessive fatigue, abdominal pain, paralysis or general anesthesia are other symptoms of this spider bite.

When dealing with this spider and biting it, the first thing to do to save a poisoned person is to wash the bite area using a disinfectant to prevent infection. The person picked up by this spider may not immediately notice, and in these bouts, pain is felt over time, and the location of the bite will be detected after 40 to 30 minutes and will swell and will have severe pain. So rinse the wound with soap and water and put a frozen pack on the wound to prevent spider poisoning. But before the patient gets intoxicated, you should bring the patient to the first treatment center. Fortunately, the antidote of this spider is produced in Iran and most of the health centers in the high-risk areas have access to this antidote.

Choose the widow’s name for this spider
Because the female genus has this type of spider after mating its male partner, it is named.

This is done after laying for two reasons:

1: Because it becomes very hungry after pregnancy

2: For the transfer of gene or DNA from male to offspring, he sees his partner as a prey for himself.
The most dangerous spider in the world

Insecticides have reported that the American species of the spider kills its male pair after mating. The World Health Organization has reported the Black Widow as one of the most dangerous spider species, and its bite will require serious treatment. In fact, there are more than 40,000 species of spiders in the world, all of which are poisonous, but their poison is not enough to hurt humans, and only 10 species of these spiders are very dangerous to human beings. It’s interesting to know that half of these dangerous spiders live in the northern and southern provinces of Iran.

So read this note before traveling to the habitat of this toxic insect and prepare for possible encounters with this spider

Spider Venom

Spider Venom
What did the old people say about the “Black Widow”?

Black widows in the east and northeast of Iran called “Delmak”. In Dehkhoda’s culture, the spider is said to be; the animal’s charm is similar to a spider, it says that his poison is destroying human beings. As it comes to the human body, it’s bearded and called it Ratila’s Arabic. Rhetila, a creature that resembles a large spider and its bite, sometimes happens to be a kind of person who gets into a state of coma and nap, or a melancholy fever that is very painful.

In the past, when someone was biting this poisonous insect, they spit out the stomach and wrote to him or her, or that they were given a lot of milk to the person they were taking and, in order to get the poison from the victim’s body, They were hanging from the high place to raise their lions.

Although it’s said that the spider’s poison is far more dangerous than the venom of the snake, but fortunately the amount of poison that the spider injects in its attacks is very low and this amount of poison is not enough to kill a mature man. Therefore, in many cases, those who were selected were at risk of being saved.
Where is the “Black Widow”?

Black widows are found on pastures, groves, plains, mountains and in fields – under the stems of dry wheat and plants. However, it should be noted that, in many cases, residential buildings, in particular, can be stored in cool and well-kept storage rooms. According to a general rule of thumb, a creature is a place where you can find enough food. Beware of the rocks and caverns, and do not leave the small and large insects that are a delicious food for the black widow.

This little spider certainly can not take a human bait to teeth, so the bite of the spider sometimes drops into your skin, which is a threat to you, for example, suddenly move your hand to it and touch it. Avoid entering hands and feet in the holes not found inside them and use gloves and boots when traveling in areas known. Also, before sleeping, check the bed and sleeping bag and control the clothes and shoes before wearing. In addition, the use of a mosquito net, especially in the months of June to September, is the best thing to save you from the Black Widow

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