Spider Venom

Symptoms of black widow bite

Spider Venom
Symptoms of black widow bite

Although the old ones were aware of this toxic spider, in the 1970s more than 190 cases of bite and poisoning were reported that the origin and cause of these bites were not known to Iranian doctors. The first sign is that there is a red swollen mite at the site of the bite, with two small dots and a small hole on it. The victims also referred to the hospital with symptoms such as fever, chills and seizures, but these symptoms were confused with other illnesses. So if you have these severe symptoms, if you have traveled in the habitats of this beast, be sure to inform the doctors about this and keep in mind that most of these bouts are reported in the northeast and in Khorasan. These bouts, in some cases, lead to complications and rarely death in children and the elderly, and the patient may, depending on the physician’s opinion, need 1 to 3 days of admission. Vomiting, pain at the site of biting, chills, respiratory and renal disorders, sweating, excessive fatigue, abdominal pain, paralysis or general anesthesia are other symptoms of spider bite.
When dealing with this spider and biting it, the first thing to do to save a poisoned person is to wash the bite area using an antiseptic to prevent the infection from spreading. The person picked up by this spider may not immediately notice and in these bouts, pain is felt over time, and the location of the bite will be detected after 40 to 30 minutes and will swell and will have severe pain. So rinse the wound with soap and water and put a frozen pack on the wound to prevent spider poisoning. But before the patient gets intoxicated, you should bring the patient to the first treatment center. Fortunately, the antidote of this spider is produced in Iran, and most health centers have access to this antidote in high-risk areas

Black widow spider belongs to the species Lantrodectus terdecimguttatus (Rossi) 1790. Lantrodectus spiders belong to the Theridiidae family and have a large global dispersal, so that these beasts can be found in most parts of the world, except in the cold regions of Europe and Asia. These poisonous animals are of great health and medical significance, and in some parts of the world, such as the United States, Australia, South Africa, South America and the Mediterranean countries, biting spiders are widespread.
Spider Venom

Spider Venom

The systematic recognition of these animals has always been difficult. It is therefore difficult to differentiate the various species of the spider, since the similarity between the domestic and foreign genitalia of the female genus and the male pulp, which are the specific attributes of species identification in the spider, is very high. These animals, known in the north of Khorasan with the general name “Delmak”, annually cause poisoning of many people, especially children and farmers in the region. Spider of the Black Widow with a glossy body (in the samples reported in Iran, the body is not shiny) and its substance has a rounded abdominal cauda and an ovoid abdominal malformation. The name “Black Widow” is chosen for it, which is usually after mating, the female spider kills and then eats the spider. The spider has a size between 8-10 mm and is identified by a symbol similar to the red hinged on its stomach.


Species L Terdecimguttatus has previously been reported from the Mediterranean countries of Saudi Arabia, the Occupied Palestinian Territory, the Middle East and North Africa (Ethiopia, Morocco, Libya). It has been reported in Khorasan Razavi area in Iran. Samples obtained from the city of Mashhad, have been obtained more than rocks, under rocks, between the rocks slope and the margin of arable land. These animals often spread on the surface of the earth and the animal lives at the end of a tube section. The dispersion in Mashhad from west to east decreases dramatically due to lower altitude and environmental changes from mountainous and bay areas to steppe areas.



Spider Venom:Younger spiders can be scattered by wind. At the tip of the small spider, the spiders let the air flow into the air to move. Mating in this type is similar to mating in other black widows, the spider spins around itself and sperms into the sperm web of sperm, the sperm is full of genitalia, now it has a nest to find the spider The material leaves. Mating starts at the location of the spider. When mating a male spider, the sex partner inserts the sperm pouch into the pores and leaves the sperm on the eggs. The female spider can store sperm to fertilize the seeds that will be produced in the future. After the mating operation, the feeding stage is turned on. The spider forms the spider’s food.


The dark veiled black net is a massive, straightforward, complex twisted pair of silk and the female spider can hide in it. The female spider is at the highest point and protects its egg bag; most bites of humans protect their spiders from attacking the eggs. Longevity of the black widow has been reported between 1 and 3 years. In the specimens discovered in Iran, the female sex is much larger than that of the male. The carapace is pear-shaped in both sexes and has a wider width in the chest area. Unlike other members of the Therdiidae family, the eyes are completely apart. The abdomen is spherical and is covered with hair. White to red orange spots on the abdomen are usually visible on the back and abdomen. Color patterns of the dorsal surface of the male genus are considered as diagnostic qualities (due to greater stability). In the color of the substance, the color is brown to black, and most of the specimens lack color spots on the back of the abdomen. Some specimens in the posterior part of the abdomen have a small red orange stain. A more color pattern is seen in young and immature specimens, and includes an intermediate red to orange band comprising 3-4 distinct patches and 3 oval spots. The hourglass is not complete in specimens and is divided into two posterior and anterior lateral bands. In male, the back surface pattern is similar to that of the female, and includes a band on the anterior abdominal edge, 3 pairs of oval spots and 4 middle spots in a dark brown background

Spider Venom
Spider Venom

History of Bites in Iran


Spider Venom:In Iran, the issue of spider bite has been considered in Khorasan province since 1991. In this year, it was observed that people with unknown symptoms were referred to the hospital regularly. Since the symptoms of spider bite, which include fever, chills and seizure, are confused with many other illnesses. The peak of spider bite in Khorasan dates back to 1373. In that year nearly 190 cases of biting spiders were reported in this province. Since 1991, research in this field has begun. After checking, the spider that caused a health problem in Khorasan province was the Latrodectus spider or black widow. After identification, research on this species continued at the Razi Institute and the research team of this institute headed by Goodarzi engineer was able to obtain information on the toxicity and quality characteristics of the spider poison. Currently, the ground for preparing an antidote for this spider is provided by the Institute’s toxic animals. Toxic spider bites in the northeast of Iran are relatively common and lead to complications and rarely deaths in children and the elderly. Clinical and laboratory studies of selected spider patients have already been reported.
Spider Venom

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