Spider Venom


Spider Venom
Spider-bogs are undoubtedly used to kill their bait and are also a defensive weapon. The amount of injected poison is controlled by the spider and varies depending on the age and physiological conditions and the amount of stimulation that causes the spider to react.

The most likely probability of a person’s bite is that in areas suspected to be involved in the presence of spiders and without the use of appropriate protective devices such as gloves or boots. Farmers are the most important people who are stung at work in farms or rural homes.

In sub-tropical tropical regions, bites occur more in the hot months, while in the tropics, the spider bites are common throughout the entire season

Spider Venom
Spider Venom

Ratil is a generic name for the family of Migalomorph spiders, known as Trafosides, which are found mostly in tropical and desert regions. The size of the reticles is larger than the spiders. They have a great deal of growth, giving them a frightening look. Contrary to the idea that exists among people. The reticules lack the stomach and gland, although the reagents may be gas for self-defense, but because their colisors are very strong and cause ulcers. The contamination of these wounds with microbial agents on the colibacillus causes infection, so they can be contaminated with viruses and bacteria and may also cause illness in humans. Generally, the retins lack bite. The retiles are more active in the desert and in the environments. The reel is a predator and feeds on insects and small animals. Most insects are active at night, so these arthropods are even more active at night for their food. So far, around 900 species have been detected. All species of hunting rifles are hunted mostly by lurking. The largest ratils can kill mice and even small birds. Most ratitles are harmless to humans, and even some of their species are considered as domestic beings, while there is still no accurate data on the mortality rate due to rickets


The scorpion or scallop or extension of the name is one of the species of arthropods in the category of spiders, which has 8 legs and a bite with deadly venom. Scorpion bite is at the tip of it. The Scorpions are slowly pursuing their biological activities at night and are more active in hot climates.
These animals have prickly claws that are actually part of their mouths. They are able to pour off dangerous poisonous substances from the rear of their body to the invaders. The animal hunts more at night and uses its long legs to find food, and after finding food, it catches it with its forks. Sculptures often hide underneath the rocks or in relatively cool underground holes throughout the day.
Scouts have different colors, such as brownish brown, brown, gray and black, and vary in size from 18 to 1.5 centimeters. But due to its flat shape, it can also slip through 3 mm wide gaps to enter the house.
Scouts are found in the outdoors in gaps and gaps between rocks, under the bark of trees, between firewood and the like, and are seen in the home in the bathroom, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the kitchen and in the wet environments. These animals hide in their ears all day and start their activities during the night and go after their hunt and inject their poison through their sting at the tail end of their hunt
Spider Venom
Spider Venom
Spider Venom


Mites are one of the largest groups of arthropods that are commonly seen in nature. The size of the mites is different from a few microns and very large mites of about one hundred microns that feed on blood on the livestock. Mites include aquatic and drought groups. Dandruff mites are seen in a very high population and are among the most important arthropods. A number of mites spasm part of their lives and may be an arthritis or vertebrate parasite. Of course, there are a few insects and vertebras that act as internal parasites. Some mites are predator and predator, and in the soil they feed on plants from other mites, especially from vegetarian mites and small insect eggs. In other words, some predator species in the soil feed on small insects and other mites, nematodes and flying eggs and are considered as very useful creatures. Many mites are also herbivorous. Also, a number of species feed on grains in storage environments. In the life of the mites and mites, there are three stages after the fetal development stage: the larval stage, which has three pairs of legs, except for the mice of the eryophyte family with fewer legs. Nugget stage with four pairs of legs and in most mites, it consists of several stages and an adult stage with four pairs of legs. Breathing is a small cutaneous mucous membrane that does not have a specific respiratory system, but the respiratory system of the larger mites is chip and, like insects, the chips lead to respiratory arteries called stigmata or spiracets.

Mites are small parasitic animals. The ticks are arthropods and are scientifically divided into two groups of animal mites, or Ticks, and other mites or mites, which the latter group calls some marmots. In popular belief, it refers to animal mites that feed on blood donors, birds, and sometimes reptiles and amphibians

Spider Venom

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