Spider Venom

What does a spider have?

Spider Venom

What does a spider have?

Any spider looks unique. For example, weird spiders living in the trunks are remarkable for their impressive size, metal surface and bright colors.

Spiders have a lower look:

For example, the spider has a tiny body and very long legs with a length of 5 centimeters.
Black Spider – Gray Black or Gray, about 13 mm.
Gray spiders are very similar to those of similar dimensions.
Spider rabbit – brown and brown colored, with long stomach and long legs.

How many feet does a spider have?

Many spider species are different at speed, pigs, food search, but the number of claws is the same for everyone – there are 8 of them.

Spider organs vary in size and coating, but their main function is inherent in all types of oranges:

The claws are the spider’s vehicle. Someone has a feature for moving, jumping, someone walking by the side, someone goes to water, and some places change, they laugh loudly.
Different organs are receptors: smell, touch, balance. They help diagnose spiders, help them diagnose food.
Legs function – web knitting. Thanks to this ability, spiders have the opportunity to eat.
Parents keep the spider tent and move their arrows elsewhere. For this purpose, the spiders have a large number of organs that at the same time help the hands, nose, vision, and even the so-called “sixth sense

Spider Venom

Spider Venom

Spider species in Russia

There are some spiders in Russia, the most common of which are:

Sergiyanka – This is the only species that lives below and in the water. Russian swamp basin. Refers to poisonous spiders.
Spider-bogs in temperate climates, in grass and shrubs of bushes and trees. This is a red pattern on the top of the abdomen. It’s not dangerous to humans
The South Tyranetula of Russia – lives in the semi-desert and steppe regions of Russia, lives in the creek. For human species, the spider is poisonous and dangerous.
An angry spider is closest to humans and safe for him. Put the web in the corners of the room invisible.
Spider Finding a feature to mask and become unknown. Points to non-toxic herbicide representatives.
Spider Horse – A little spider jumping. It’s able to climb glass and sacrifice it without the help of the web.
The black wolf (karakut) – the most dangerous spider type for humans. He lives in the Astrakhan and Orenburg regions as well as in the Northern Caucasus.

Are spiders or insects?

Many people are interested in this question; some believe that spiders are insects, but this is not the case.

Spiders are spider shoots and belong to a variety of animals, not insects, despite the incredible similarities with the latter. Raisin was born 300 million years before insects.

Both classes form separate classes that have distinct differences:

Insects: They have 6 legs, insects like classes belong to the class, most of them are accustomed. Main part of insect structure: head, chest, abdomen, wing.
The spider has 8 feet, belongs to the orange class Arachnid, a very selective in the food, the hunters were born. It consists of only two parts: the abdomen, whose legs grow, and the cephalothorax, where the spider’s mouth is located. Has the ability of the website

Spider VenomSpider Venom

What is spider eating?

Spiders, despite their small size, consume a lot of food, but they may not have a long period of time – from one month to one year. An interesting fact is that in one year, the amount of food eaten by spiders is more than the amount of food consumed by all people in the world.

Any spider has its own methods of feeding the food:

Create traps using knitting networks. The hunted gastrointestinal tract is taken from the inside, so the spider drops it.
Search for food by spitting sticky saliva, which allows you to pick up food.

What a spider eating

The main ration is both street and indoor spider insects. Spiders feed on a private house on flies, mosquitoes, crickets, butterflies, food worms, beetles, locusts, and larvae.
Spiders that live around or on the surface of the soil are like cockroaches, oranges, and even snails and earthworms.
Some species hunt at night. For example, a Queen spider creates a trap for butterflies at night.
The weird spiders, due to their impressive size, choose their bigger prey for themselves. Therefore, Tarantals prefer hunting frogs, lizards, spiders, mice and even small birds. Tarantula Brazil is able to eat and eat snakes and snakes.
Spiders living in water, with the help of embroidery webbs, small fish or shrimp float on the surface of the water.
Some spiders use plant life as a source of food: pollen, leafy plants, cereal grains.

How does a spider give birth?

Nature, adult men are different in size, bright colors and low life expectancy than women. It is found to be a rule of nature that is much less than that.In some spider species, men are not found. It is believed that the spider’s female has the ability to develop the egg, so it can, even without fertilization, be a race

Spider Venom

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