Spider Venom

Widow spiders

Spider Venom
Widow spiders-
The widow spider (scientific name: Latrodectus) is the name of a strain of spider spider darkness. Black widows are spider-eaters. They are not part of the insect group because they have no wings. The venom of the spider is 15 times more deadly than the venom of the snake.
How to diagnose
The female has a size between 8-36 mm and is known by a symbol similar to the hourglass on its stomach. It is easily detected with a sign similar to a red or orange hourglass that is black and rounded on its abdomen.
Male, black, brown, or gray, with red, yellow, orange spots on its stomach, is detected and has a size between 4-12 mm.
Black widows A female and male adult living alone and meet each other for reproduction. Black widows provide about 200 eggs. The eggs remain for twenty days in a small rounded casserole that hangs on the mother’s womb, and after they have come out of the egg, the spider’s spiders stay in a cocoon for more than a month.
Spider Venom
Spider Venom
Spider Venom
Mating in this type is similar to mating in other black widows, the spider spins around itself and sperms into the sperm web in the sperm web, the male reproductive member is full of sperm, and then she nests to find the spider of the female Leaves
Black widows are found in pasture, groves, plains, mountains and in fields, under rocks – and under the stems of wheat and plants. However, it should be noted that, in many cases, residential buildings, in particular, can be stored in cool and well-kept storage rooms.
Symptoms of black widow bite
The incidence of vomiting, pain at the site of biting, chills, respiratory and renal disorders, sweating, excessive fatigue, abdominal pain, paralysis or general anesthesia are other symptoms of this spider bite.When dealing with this spider and biting it, the first job to save a poisoned person is to wash the bite area using a disinfectant to prevent infection. The person picked up by this spider may not immediately notice, and in these bouts, pain is felt over time, and the location of the bite will be detected after 40 to 30 minutes and will swell and will have severe pain. So rinse the wound with soap and water and put a frozen pack on the wound to prevent spider poisoning. But before the patient gets intoxicated, you should bring the patient to the first treatment center. Fortunately, the antidote of this spider is produced in Iran and most of the health centers in the high-risk areas have access to this antidote.
Choose the widow’s name for this spider-
Because the female genus has this type of spider after mating its male partner, it is named.
Spider Venom
Spider Venom
Spider Venom

This is done after laying for two reasons:
1: Because it becomes very hungry after pregnancy2: For the transfer of gene or DNA from male to offspring, he sees his partner as a prey for himself.
Black widow spider is one of the most famous spider spiders
The Black & Brown Widow Spider spider, known as Lantrodectus terdecimguttatus, is one of the most famous spider spiders.
SpecificationsSpider Venom:»The systematic recognition of these animals has always been difficult. It is therefore difficult to differentiate the various species of the spider, since the similarity between the domestic and foreign genitalia of the female genus and the male pulp, which are the specific attributes of species identification in the spider, is very high. These animals, known in the north of Khorasan with the general name “Delmak”, annually cause poisoning of many people, especially children and farmers in the region. Spider of the Black Widow with a glossy body (in the samples reported in Iran, the body is not shiny) and its substance has a rounded abdominal cauda and an ovoid abdominal malformation. The name “Black Widow” is chosen for it, which is usually after mating, the female spider kills and then eats the spider. The spider has a size between 8-10 mm and is identified by a symbol similar to the red hinged on its stomach.

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