Spider Venom


Spider Venom


Younger spiders can be scattered by wind. At the tip of the small spider, the spiders let the air flow into the air to move. Mating in this type is similar to mating in other black widows, the spider spins around itself and sperms into the sperm web of sperm, the sperm is full of genitalia, now it has a nest to find the spider The material leaves. Mating starts at the location of the spider. When mating a male spider, the sex partner inserts the sperm pouch into the pores and leaves the sperm on the eggs. The female spider can store sperm to fertilize the seeds that will be produced in the future. After the mating operation, the feeding stage is turned on. The spider forms the spider’s food.

Brown widow spiders-
Appearance: These spikes are grayish-brown with black and white marks in the upper abdominal area. The hourglass in the lower abdominal area of ​​the females is yellow to orange and the legs have a dark bar.
Size: Adults between 1 and 1.5 inches with legs.
Behavior: Females produce 10 to 20 egg bags per each period of their life, each containing 250 eggs. These bags are whiteish yellow, and the eggs in the bag are very similar to grains of sand and sand. The diameters of these bags are 1.2 inches, and the spider’s eggs last for about 14 to 21 days to mature, but may remain in the bag for 4 days to 1 month, and after a short time from their nests Get away and start silently.
Habitat: The most common type of spider found in urban areas. Their shelter may be indoors or outdoors include the bottom of the house, accumulated woods, hollow
blocks, or inside the house under the table and behind the blinds at door angles and
Spider Venom
Spider Venom
windows and in clothes. To be-
Interesting points: It is a bite with initial pain such as a needle or a sharp needle in the skin, and two red holes (caused by two tooth stomachs) that are painful and after a while the pain is reduced. Pain is transmitted from the stomach to the abdomen and legs, causing nerve symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fainting, dizziness, tremor, shock, speech impairment and generalized paralysis but rarely cause death.
The Black Widow Spider is the name of a spider-bot for a mating habit that is known as mating. The venom of this type of spider, unlike the general belief, is not deadly but has a lot of pain and can lead to nausea and cramping of the abdominal muscles. This kind of spider is not invasive and, if not threatened, does not attack humans. If the bite is sped out, then you need to go to the treatment center after disinfecting the bite. Fortunately, the spider bite antidote is available in the country.
Hibiscus spider (Argiope bruennichi) is the name of a species of dark spinach of roundworm that lives throughout Central Europe, Northern Europe, North Africa, parts of Asia, and the Azores archipelago.
Grizzly spiders are a dark name from the infraorder of the Tartarus spp. Grizzly spiders are members of the Lycosidae family, derived from the Greek root lýkos ​​meaning wolves. Hunters are powerful and agile humorous predators who mainly live and hunt.
The spiny spider is male, with two mid-sized eyes on both sides of the head, and two large eyes are located above a row of small eyes.
Spider Venom

According to BioKids, spider spiders are scattered throughout the world and live. These spiders can be found more often in meadows and meadows, but they are also found in mountains, deserts, rain forests and wetlands, wherever they reach insects.
The image of a wolf spider is a material that carries a bag of herbs from a small bush.Appearance-Usually, spider spiders are gray, brown, black or yellowish brown, with dark marks on their body, which according to information provided by the Department of Animal Protection of Missouri is more likely to be streaky streaks. The colors of these animals provide their effective camouflage, enabling them to prey and protect themselves from other predators. The size of the spider is different from 6.4 mm to 3 cm, and usually the males are smaller than the females.

Joe-Anne Nina Soolal, spokeswoman at West Indies University in Trinidad, states that “spider spiders” have distinct eye structures, such that the front or back rows consist of four almost identical small eyes that are located in the straight line. The rear or rear row is aligned with V and its tipping point is almost near the rear row. ” The wolf’s spider’s power is great and hunts most of the night. “In addition, they can easily be seen at night because of the brightness of their eyes.”

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