Scorpion venom, Spider Venom

The most dangerous type of scorpion in Iran is Gardium scorpion

The most dangerous type of scorpion in Iran is Gardium scorpion

The most dangerous type of scorpion in Iran is Gardium scorpion

What are the enemies of the scorpions?

Natural hosts

Scorpions have two natural enemies: one is a star and the other is flies and, more interestingly, scorpions are the only creatures that have no effect on the radiation. The weakest scorpions bear 4 rads (the unit of measurement of the absorbed ion-producing radiation). This number is less than 5 rad in humans, and thus survive even an atomic explosion.

The most dangerous scorpion

Contrary to the rumor that the scorpion is dangerous depending on its color and in some parts of Iran they believe that yellow scorpion is dangerous and in some other places they consider black scorpion to be dangerous, this assessment is unacceptable and the scorpion has no role in poison or concentration. It’s not dangerous. It can be said that the scorpion venom has a high concentration in dry and tropical regions of Iran. Fortunately, the most dangerous scorpions usually do not inject all their poison when bitten by humans, as the scorpion saves the poison and always tries to evade the enemy by briefly injecting the enzyme, but if forced to escape, he will have to inject Becomes its original. The scorpion needs more nutrition to replace its poison and therefore does not want to waste its poison. A scorpion venom, Centruroides Sculpturatus, is a deadly poison, a small, yellow scorpion with a small tubercle on its back. The length of the beast is 2.5 to 2.5 cm and is also called the scorpion. The most dangerous type of scorpion in Iran is Gardium scorpion, which is found in Khuzestan region and has a deadly poison. Scorpion venom poison is a colorless, transparent liquid that is alkaline to neutral and is actually a protein. The toxin is composed of elements such as carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur. The toxin contains various proteins such as toxin and enzyme. Toxins or toxic factors include neurooxin (neurotoxin), hemotoxin and cardiotoxin.

The most dangerous type of scorpion in Iran is Gardium scorpion
Enzymes that facilitate the toxin effect include lectinase, hyaluronidase, phospholipase, proteinase and coagulant or anticoagulant enzymes. The venom of the scorpions is most effective on the end-strap and small animals, but some species, such as the killer scorpion, are also deadly to humans. It is unclear if a scorpion can roam for several minutes after it dies. The venom of most poisonous scabies destroys red blood cells and in the bite site, it causes localized discoloration and painful swelling. Although, partially toxic to some deadly poisons, it does not cause localized symptoms and high swelling, but it must be examined by a physician and treated with an anti-scorpion serum injection. In addition to damage to red blood cells, scorpion venom also causes nerve symptoms, including restlessness, seizures, unbalanced walking, mouth watering, severe skin tenderness, muscle contractions, abdominal pain, and decreased respiratory function. Symptoms subside within 2 hours.
ScorpioThe scorpions of Iran have the highest rate of bites in the world. According to the results of the study, people who go to the health center 2 hours after the bite are twice as likely to die than those who go to the treatment center between 2 and 4 hours and 2 times as many as 6 hours. Since scorpions are predominantly active in hot areas and at night, safety considerations are important to prevent scorpion stings, especially in tropical and dark areas. Like wearing socks, pants and shoes, shaking shoes and clothes before wearing them and so on. After a few minutes of scorpion bites that often occur in the area of ​​the hands and feet, symptoms such as pain, blistering, redness, swelling are observed; then, within a few hours of the bite, the following symptoms may occur in the person: pulse rate, high Hypertension, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, urinary and fecal incontinence, shortness of breath, seizures, and increased salivary secretion. Scorpions are often not dangerous and only cause local signs and symptoms at the bite site. However, first aid needs to be provided to the injured and the health and medical staff should be aware of the dangers or the severity of the poisoning. Washing the wound with soap and water, removing ornaments and jewelry, using cold compresses to relieve pain and swelling should be considered in the first place. A piece of ice can be used but the limbs should never be frozen in water. Soaked.

The most dangerous type of scorpion in Iran is Gardium scorpion
Effective first aid measures include: Assessing the scene of the accident, avoiding or avoiding danger, asking for help if necessary; then assessing the injury and performing ABC steps and other essential first aid if necessary; Cold compresses should not be allowed to place ice directly on the limbs; use a special suction device to remove the poison, if no special suction device, suction or suction bite Performed by mouth There is no agreement on cutting and sucking the wound with the mouth. Some people are allowed to use this method. And then the immediate transfer to the health center should be noted that it is best to transfer the injured person as soon as possible without further action.

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