Spider Venom

What is a camel spider?


?What is a camel spider


If you encounter this spider and get bitten by it, the first thing to do to save the poisoned person is to wash the bite site with an antiseptic so that the infection does not spread. A person who is bitten by this spider may not realize it immediately, and in these bites, the pain will be felt over time, and the bite site will become swollen and painful after 30-40 minutes. So wash the wound with soap and water and put an ice pack on the wound to prevent spider venom from spreading. But before the patient’s poisoning becomes severe, you must take the patient to the first medical center. Fortunately, the antidote for this spider is produced in Iran, and most medical centers in high-risk areas have access to this antidote

Camel spider


Perhaps the name of such a strange insect would never have reached the ends of the world if the United States military forces had not gone around the Persian Gulf and the country of Iraq due to the Iraq war and had not taken pictures of this extraordinary insect. The name of this insect became popular when a giant camel spider got into the sleeping bag of an American soldier and bit him while he was sleeping. Fortunately, the giant camel spider, which is native to Iraq, is not poisonous. They use their claws to grab prey that are usually no bigger than a spider. The real name of these creatures is Solifugae (ArachnidSolifugae). The word solifuga in Latin means “escaped from the sky”. The ancients believed that these animals came to earth from other planets like the sun

shotori5 Camel spiders, also called camel spiders, wind scorpions, wind scorpions or sun spiders. including 1000 known species. Their body consists of two parts, abdomen and head, and they also have large and powerful fangs, which they use to produce noise and scare the enemy. Even larger than a spider’s head, these claws act like super-strong gas clamps with tiny teeth on their inner surfaces. These spiders seem to have 10 legs due to the presence of calculi and pedipalps. Most camel spiders live in desert and tropical areas and feed on arthropods and small vertebrates

In fact, the camel spider is a type of tarantula and is not considered among “poisonous spiders”. They don’t have a venom gland or sting, but they can hunt animals much larger than themselves with the powerful jaws of their jaws. Accidentally biting a human by them is usually associated with a severe infection. However, camel spiders are very aggressive to bite and attack


Sometimes it seems that a camel spider is chasing you with its big size, you should not get excited or angry because this type of spider seeks shelter in the corners of your things, this animal is nocturnal and hides in holes during the day

Camel spiders live in hot, dry and mountainous areas. Their appearance in spring and summer shows that they avoid cold weather, their food consists of insects and worms, scorpions, lizards and small animals. This spider is generally not threatening and dangerous, and they bite only in rare cases such as being threatened by humans or an accidental action that provokes the animal

The size of this spider is more than 12 cm. The largest camel spiders can grow up to 19 cm. Their power makes the bite dangerous and cause a deep, painful and infectious wound. They are also known for their high speed. These spiders are very fast and can run at human speed (up to 16 km/h). This astonishing speed made them terrifying. In addition, the camel spider makes a kind of hissing sound when approached by its strong claws, so it is not surprising that people panic when they encounter a spider

Camel spiders in the Middle East

Sinapress wrote: After growth, camel spiders reach a length of 15.24 cm, which may not seem very big, but it is still far beyond the size of the same species

These spiders, like their normal types, belong to the group of spiders, but they are placed in a completely different order. The reason for their name is that they have a hump or bump on their back, and according to some misconceptions, they feed on camels’ stomachs, and that is why they are mostly called camel spiders


This predator is also called a wind scorpion because of its high speed of movement, and its jaws are about a third of its body length, and therefore it can tear prey like rodents

Of course, the mouths and jaws of camel spiders are much larger and more dangerous than what you find in tarantulas. Camel spiders, like tarantulas, have a pair of jaws, each of which has a shape similar to scissors with two toothed prongs, and powerful muscles provide the energy necessary for their movement, but the jaws of this spider are not very powerful and instead have good maneuverability. They do not have even a drop of poison in their body

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