Spider Venom

?Where is the largest area of spiders


?Where is the largest area of spiders


Spiders are one of the scariest and deadliest animals that each of us will definitely feel fear and panic at first sight and will avoid approaching them

However, it may have happened to you that you go on a trip for a while and upon returning home, you see spider webs, which you will definitely start cleaning. But the width of these webs may reach the maximum size of 3 palms, which usually will not be considered dangerous

But have you ever wondered where the largest area of spider rule is? Do they start making strings on their own?!

Recently, strange images of “Aitoliko” located in the west of Greece, which is known as the largest area ruled by spiders, were strongly published on virtual pages, and users reacted to it

The largest area ruled by spiders


This ruling area is 300 meters which is completely occupied by spiders, which can be due to the presence of insects and ants around the area, which spiders have taken over this area

However, this area ruled by spiders has become a tourist area these days, and a large number of tourists travel to this area to see the kingdom of spiders

The spiders of this area have completely covered the trees and plants using their webs, and for this reason, it has become an attractive and suitable tourist area for tourists

Spiders hunt and eat between 400 and 800 million tons of prey in a year

Spiders are classified in the arthropod family with their eight legs and hairy bodies and silk webs

The main food of spiders is insects, and of course, it has been seen that some large types of them have eaten lizards or small birds as food. However, the “Washington Post” newspaper published an interesting article today in which it was said that if humans were the food of spiders, how many humans would they eat

This article was published after “Martin Neifeller” and “Klaus Bierkofer”, one of the most famous European biologists, published an article in the last issue of the international journal “Natural Sciences” in which the total weight of the prey eaten by spiders was predicted


In this article it was said: “Spiders have been living on the planet since about 400 million years ago and are now one of the most common natural predators in the Earth’s ecosystem. The community of spiders hunt between 400 and 800 million tons of prey in a year

The Washington Post explained that a community of spiders eat more than the weight of all humans living on the planet in a year. In 2012, based on a scientific study, it was determined that the total weight of all adult humans on earth is 287 million tons. If we calculate the weight of earth’s children as a total of 70 million tons, we can say that the weight of all humans together constitutes the food of spiders for one year

Currently, more than 45,000 species of spiders have been identified worldwide, each of which has different eating habits. Some types of spiders can walk 30 kilometers a day and it is rare to find a spot on the planet where spiders are not present

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